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It's up to you to manage your time, your desire to take a break and enjoy a refreshing drink on the terrace and chat to the people you meet along the way.
Take the time to take your time... Make the most of the time that passes - it's precious.
We're counting on your bravery and your chivalrous spirit, and we wish you good luck in this ordeal full of pitfalls and wonderful discoveries.
A mission
100% local
100% fun
100% sustainable development
100% not relocatable
100% interactive
Take the time to take your time... Make the most of the time that passes - it's precious.
We're counting on your bravery and your chivalrous spirit, and we wish you good luck in this ordeal full of pitfalls and wonderful discoveries.
A mission
100% local
100% fun
100% sustainable development
100% not relocatable
100% interactive
Base rate
Credit card
Cheques and postal orders
Heel het jaar 2024
Contacteren Visite et activité découverte de Beaune sous forme de chasse au trésor : La Quête de Guigone...